Remote Graphics / AutoCAD

vGPU: The Perfect Solution for All Sizes of Graphical Workloads

vGPU is an advanced technology that brings the benefits of hardware virtualization to graphical processing units. For the first time, virtual desktop users can run graphically demanding CAD/CAM applications and expect performance similar to that of a high end engineering workstation. CloudConnect has partnered with NVIDIA and VMware to integrate this technology into the CloudConnect Platform.

Partners may assign video RAM to virtual machines in profiles of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 GB. Each user with access to the virtual machine requires an NVIDIA Virtual Workstation License, which will be automatically allocated by CloudConnect. vGPU also reduces the load on the CPU by offloading graphical instructions to actual CUDA cores instead of being processed by the CPU. The result is higher density and scalability in a multi-session environment for customers using vGPU.
