Branding & End User Marketing

Logo Import
IQMAP imports the logo of your business to be placed on End-User facing marketing materials, inclusive of Postcards, Brochures, Proposals, and marketing emails. This co-branded approach reinforces the confidence in the CloudConnect reseller.

Partner Postcard
Most often utilized by partners for mailing campaigns or as an addition to their booth at a trade show, the Partner Postcard offers a concise overview of a Cloud Solution, and why CloudConnect is the best fit for most businesses.
CloudConnect is constantly making improvements to the platform, and this postcard will be consistenty update in real-time to display the utmost value of the CloudConnect solution to your clients.

Partner Brochure
More in-depth than a Partner Postcard, brochures are a 4-page synopsis of the CloudConnect solution and speak to specific issues that most businesses face when moving to a Cloud Solution.
Addressing these concerns immediately, as well as providing background on the CloudConnect environment, and ensuring no business flow interruption when extending or migrating to a Cloud Solution builds confidence in both CloudConnect, and the CloudConnect partner.

CloudConnect Proposals display the value of the CloudConnect solution. To learn more about proposals, please reach out and a CloudConnect representative will follow up with you shortly.